Easy Smoked Butter Recipe for BBQ Steaks

August 20th, 2024



2022 Backbone Syrah coming in your wine club shipment! 

For Campfire Cooking & Backyard BBQ's

The best part of this recipe, aside from how stellar it goes with our Backbone Syrah, is how versatile it is. Not only is it versatile with how you use it (lamb, steaks, chicken, veggies of every sort, potatoes and more), but the technique works great with a variety of seasoning enhancements. 

It really is more of a technique than a true recipe, per say.

For ours, we kept it simple by adding fresh garlic, rosemary, and paprika to our melted butter. Then, we simply added a red-hot piece of burning wood to the jar before closing the lid!

Let it rest for a couple of minutes, before opening it back up for a smoke show of flavor! Pour over your food and enjoy!

1/2 cup of grass fed butter, melted
7 cloves of garlic, minced
3 sprigs of rosemary, de-stemmed and chopped
1/4 teaspoon paprika
a pinch of Kosher salt

Add all the ingredients to a mason jar. Add a red hot charcoal of wood from the fire, about 1-2 inches in length. Quickly screw the mason jar lid back on and flip the jar upside down (make sure the lid is secure!)

Let it rest for 1-2 minutes.
Then pour over steak, chicken, lamb, vegges or whatever. It is great on potatoes, too! Or sopped up with crusty bread.
Pair it with our Backbone Syrah for an extra treat!
Bon Apetit.

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